In Tibetan, Lhabab Duchen means ‘Festival of the Descent from Heaven’.
At the age of 41, the Buddha ascended to the Trayastrimsa heaven to give teachings to the gods of that desire realm. His mother also dwelled in that heaven and he repaid her kindness by liberating her from Samasara. His disciples on earth began to worry about his coming back, and exhorted him to return. Following a long debate under a full moon, he agreed, and a week later, descended back to earth on a triple ladder prepared by Viswakarma, the god of craftsmen and machines.
On the 22nd day of the ninth lunar month of the Tibetan calendar, Tibetan Buddhists celebrate the Buddha’s descent from heaven to resume his work of showing them a path to liberation from Samsara. This day is dedicated this day to religious activity, which, for most lay people, means the reciting of mantras, prostrations and circumambulating holy sites. It is believed that the merit accumulated on that day is multiplied manifold.
Lhabab Duchen, this year falls on the 27th October 2021.